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Clive Flood
Chief Operating Officer

Expertise and in-depth knowledge of business performance and operational improvements.

Clive Flood

About Clive

In his time at Source Advisors Clive has both reviewed and overhauled our systems and processes to put the customer front and centre of what we do. Throughout his career has demonstrated repeated success in directing the development of products and solutions in the manufacturing, wholesale, and retail sectors.

Industry representation

Clive sits on the HMRC Research and Development Communication Forum. He is a Source Advisors representative on the All Party Group for Design and Innovation.

In the media

The Business Magazine

Growth and success in 2019

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All Party Design and Innovation Group

Design and the Future of Intellectual Property Rights

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In his own words

“Over the years I’ve built up expertise and demonstrable knowledge in business performance and operational improvements across several industries and sectors. As COO I have the responsibility to manage our cross-functional teams in the delivery and development of our services, for our clients and partners. The key to our success is the expert knowledge of our team and our commitment to provide an outstanding service across all areas of the business.”

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